
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Oregon Beachcomber + the HMSC Marine Bioinvasion Lab Teaming Up

Hello folks,

Despite what it looks like, I haven't abandoned this blog! On the contrary, I have been busily working on collaborating with some folks at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in making marine debris and invasive species easier.

As a result, the folks at HMSC and I will be working on a series of informational resources, including:
  • An online marine debris and invasive species report form
  • A series of printable guides and handouts for IDing tsunami debris
  • An online photo album of marine debris submitted to the Bioinvasion Lab
  • In the future: a marine debris reporting APP for smartphones and tablets
 Keep your eyes on this space, and my new 'REPORT DEBRIS' page for further information.  This information will also be available on other various websites, including the Bioinvasion Lab homepage.

Megabalanus rosa, a common hitchhiking invader on tsunami debris.

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