
Monday, November 12, 2012

Break in the News

What is unfortunate for blog activity is rather fortunate for the Pacific coast.  October and November have been especially slow months in terms of debris washup, and there are very few updates to give.

NOAA has been a bit lax in posting updated debris models, which I expect will pick up in the near future.

Communities along the coast continue to conduct tsunami drills, and local volunteer organizations (SOLVe, Surfrider Foundation) are planning ahead and seeking help for a variety of volunteer positions.  If you have time, be sure to give back!  Remember, these organizations will be the front line in terms of cleaning up beaches.

In the meantime, keep a sharp eye out, and don't forget that you can still give to the Red Cross's Hurricane Aid program to help aid and rebuild communities affected by Sandy.

I'll keep the blog updated as new items arrive!

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